onsdag 2. april 2014

Do your child suffer from Iron deficiency?

Hele denne bloggen er et skoleprosjekt, glemte å si det. En av tingene som skal være med i prosjektet er et innlegg på engelsk. Så her får du vite om jernmangel blant barn, på engelsk. :)

Children are in growth, and are developing all the time. As I have said before, it is important that children receive all the nutrients they need, to do this process successfully. Iron deficiency is one of the most common nutrient deficiencies among children. 4 of 10 Norwegian children suffer from Iron deficiency. I read on Apotek 1 that some studies show that the average iron intake among children of all ages is much lower than recommended levels.  16% of children aged 2-4 have empty iron stores.

Iron is a mineral which is important for many functions in the body. Most of the iron in our body is used to transport oxygen to our cells. If we suffer from iron deficiency our red blood cells are not able to transport as much oxygen to our cells.

Iron deficiency symptoms are similar along children and adults. The most common symptoms are reduced patience, weakened immune system, paleness, dizziness, and shortness of breath.

The easiest way to avoid iron deficiency is to eat food which is rich in iron, every day. There are also iron supplements, but if you can avoid giving your children supplements, you should. You get a better effect through food, a natural source is always better. Also, some iron supplements can give constipation. If you want to give your child iron supplements, you should always consult with a doctor first. Too much iron is not good, you need a balance. By eating food rich in iron, you avoid taking too much.

  This is a list over food which is rich in iron;

o   Wholemeal bread
o   Crisp Bread
o   Oatmeal and other whole-grain cereals
o   Liver pâté
o   Goat cheese and ¨prime¨
o   Red meat
o   Liver
o   Blood Pudding
o   cabbage
o   Green salads
o   Parsley
o   Wholegrain Pasta

If you want to read more about children and iron deficiency, click on this link; do your child suffer from iron deficiency

Maya :)

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